Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park has deep canyons full of lush trees, alpine rivers and hot springs with geysers, most famous being Old Faithful. A camper van rental is an ideal way to explore the park.
We recommend renting a camper van and visiting Yellowstone National Park, one of the most biodiverse locations in North America with hundreds of species living within its borders. Animals such as bears, wolves, bison, and elk roam across vast forests and grasslands while unique plants and wildflowers grow along the ground below them. Jackson and Cody, WY are both near Yellowstone and great locations to visit on the way to or from the park. Old Faithful Snow Lodge is a must for exploring on a bike. Riding your bike is not allowed on the hiking trails, but you can ride around any of the roads or unpaved areas during spring and fall to avoid summer traffic jams in Yellowstone National Park. There are also many hiking opportunities in the park. Blacktail Creek Trail was burned completely by the fires of 1988 and there are some areas that will take 100+ years to regrow, but there are meadows that significantly regenerated by the following summer. Only a trained eye can spot the remaining effects of fire.
Half of all the known geothermal features on the globe are nestled within the park. In 1978 UNESCO designated Yellowstone a World Heritage Site.
A supervolcano known to be located beneath the park is still considered active and contains a reservoir of magma big enough to fill the Grand Canyon many times over. The last eruption was approximately 640,000 years ago, and scientists are not concerned about another occurring any time soon.
Yellowstone is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.